Find spots for flowers

Find spots for flowers

Now that spring time is just around the corner, we're all in the mood for some fresh color. And what's better than some fresh flowers! If you have few fresh cut flowers in the rooms where you often stay, not only your eyes will be happy, but also your good mood.

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1/ In the kitchen: you can place single flowers in small vases.

2/ In the dining room or living room: large bouquets in large vases are suitable

3/ In the bedroom: this should be considered carefully. Of course, you can also arrange beautiful stylish artificial flowers here.

4/ In the bathroom: people often don't even think about that. Narrow vases beautifully arranged between jewelry utensils next to your bathtub looks beautiful.

5/ In the guest room: that's a really nice gesture and the guests are particularly happy about it.

As you can see, there is a place for fresh flowers in every room of your home - especially in spring time!

Flower greetings,

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